Insects of Ukraine 2018. Souvenir Holographic stamps sheet with perforation
2018 block Insects of Ukraine Fauna. Starting date of circulation of this Stamps from July 3, 2018. Catalog number 1648-1654. Postage stamps block Insects of Ukraine Fauna arranged in chronological order. In Ukrainian, the brand is called: "Insects of Ukraine"
Country - Ukraine
Release Date - 07/03/2018
The circulation - 30 000
Michel number - 1648-1654
Block size - 158x120 mm
Stamp size - 69,6х24,36 mm
No. 1648 - "Cicada is ordinary (Latin Lyristes plebejus)."
No. 1649 - "The beautiful lady (Latin Calopteryx virgo)".
No. 1650 - "Minliivet Small (Latin Apatura ilia)".
No. 1651 - "Mantis religious (Lat. Mantis religiosa)".
No. 1652 - "Yellow dragonfly (lat. Sympetrum flaveolum)".
No. 1653 - "Grasshopper Gray (Lat. Decticus verrucivorus)".
No. 1654 - "Garden bumblebee (lat. Bombus hortorum)".
Artists S. Haruk, O. Haruk.
Stamps - multicolor; printing method - offset, stamping holographic film.