Sheet "New Century of Ukrainian Radio" 2024
Sheet "New Century of Ukrainian Radio" 2024
On 16 November 1924, Ukrainian Radio was first broadcast in Kharkiv. This year, the most popular talk radio in Ukraine with the largest FM network begins a new century and acquires a special status.
All this time, Ukrainian Radio has been spreading the Ukrainian language, song and culture, helping to preserve them in mass consumption. Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of Russia, the broadcaster has also become a reliable and sometimes the only source of reliable information and has helped Ukrainians overcome dark times.
Over the years of war, the radio has increased its audience, as it has become relevant during blackout hours (the receiver works in the absence of electricity), indispensable in regions and territories where there is no other broadcasting, and one of the safest means of receiving information in the occupied territories, as it leaves no trace of consumption.
Today, Ukrainian Radio is the radio of every Ukrainian who lives in their native land and those who are abroad.
Country - Ukraine
Release Date - 11/15/2024
The circulation - 70 000
Minisheet size - 97 x 90 мм
Number of stamps in the minisheet - 4