Sheet The Red Book of Ukraine Freshwater fish

Sheet "The Red Book of Ukraine." Freshwater fish"

  • $5.00
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Country - Ukraine
Release Date - 12/17/2019
The circulation - 35 000
Michel number - 1787-1794
Block size - 183x127 mm
Stamp size  – 40х28 мм, 48х28 мм.

The issue, presented by Ukrposhta on December 17, 2019, contains 8 stamps with images of freshwater fish listed in the Red Book of Ukraine:

  • "Gymnocephalus acerinus";
  • "Starling Acipenser ruthenus";
  • "Golden carp Carassius carassius";
  • "Romanogobio uranoscopus, Danube white-billed dogfish";
  • "Marena Valecki Barbus waleckii";
  • "Min river lota lota";
  • "Rhynchocypris percnurus";
  • "Chip small Zingel streber".

Natalia Kohal became the artist of the issue.

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