News — Cities of Heroes

Postal set "Cities of Heroes. Mykolaiv"

Posted by Tetiana Kuzmenko on

Postal set "Cities of Heroes. Mykolaiv"

Mykolaiv is a city on the rise. City of Shipmen and Heroes. The city, which Russian troops tried to occupy more than once. Thanks to the feat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the citizens of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv stood its ground and stopped the enemy's onslaught, covering the south of our country. After the Ukrainian troops pushed back the enemy beyond Kherson, the mutilated but unconquered Mykolaiv gradually came back to life: the railway connection was started, electricity, water and heat supply were restored. On March 24, 2022, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, awarded Mykolaiv the honorary title...

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